Thursday, July 1, 2021

Salvation Damnation

If salvation isn't "of the Lord [Jonah 2:9]," as the Jews say it is, but is instead "of the Jews [John 4:22 ]," as the Lord says it is: What is salvation, if not one more lie from the "children of the devil [John 8:44]" meant to make of Christians "twofold more the [children] of hell [Matthew 23:15]" than the Jews who proseletyzed them are?

Did Adam and Eve think fig leaves could save them [Genesis 3:7]?

Did Lamech think murder saved him and Cain [Genesis 4:23 & 24]?

Is salvation damnation? "Whosoever will save his life shall lose it [Matthew 16:25]."

Is "[calling] upon the name of the Lord [Genesis 4:26]" instead of reading the word he "magnified above all [his] name [Psalms 138:2]," a death sentence? You decide, for yourself (of course), but smart money says God doesn't look any more favorably on being harassed by strangers than your average alpha bull looks favorably on the beta bulls 'plowing with his heifers'. That's damnation, not salvation, "...and all the remnant of Judah... shall know whose words shall stand, [God's], or theirs [Jeremiah 44:28]."

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