Thursday, February 18, 2021

The Most Disturbing Scripture

There are many deeply disturbing scriptures in the canon. The one I find most disturbing-- most Satanic-- is Genesis 2:18: "And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

The reason I find Genesis 2:18 more Satanic than, say, Genesis 1:26: is because we don't really behold the countenance of rebellion [1 Samuel 15:23] until Genesis 2:18-- and this because it's not until 2:18 that the first mention of "not good" occurs in the canon. "Not good" is, after all, the simplest definition of the term 'evil.'

This doesn't mean Genesis 1:26 isn't 'not good.' In fact, it means 1:26 is 'not good': not because man was made; but because his he half was made before her she half, inverting-- which is to say, perverting-- the manner in which God creates. And the Father is supposed to be 'the help meet for her': not the other way around. God has a Mother- half. There is a Mother God, even if there isn't a Father God.

Considering how many sons of God were extant in the beginning [Job 38:7], I'd guess Mother is a 'cougar' who prefers marrying a 'Son' more than some 'old- timey' Mudcat 'bottom- feeder' Daddy. "So... male and female created he them [Genesis 1:27]." If-- as Paul wrote -- "the love of money is the root of all evil [1Timothy 6:10a]": the axe must fall at "not good," in Genesis 2:18 for the 'tree of all evil' to be altogether banished from the garden. What Genesis 2:18 has to do with the 'love' of money, I can only guess, at present. It is what it is.

In Genesis 1:1, 'God' is the beginning, and there's water, there, in the beginning with God-- though nowhere in Genesis is the origin of water even mentioned; much less explained. In fact, one must flip 'ahead' all the way to the oldest book in the canon -- Job-- to find any attempt to explain where water comes from.

The context of Job 38 is the time of earth's founding, as per verse 4. Notice how the 'LORD [verse 1]' takes credit for everything: though this contradicts his own testimony. In verses 28 & 29, we read: "Hath the rain a father? or who hath begotten the drops of dew? Out of whose womb came the ice? and the hoary frost of heaven, who hath gendered it?" If we apply numbers to these four questions, it's the odd- numbered ones which are most germaine to the subject.

"Hath the rain a father?... Out of whose womb came the ice?" This is pretty obvious, isn't it? If the Father-- minus the Mother-- has a womb: Why did Adam call Eve "woman (womb- man; man with womb) [Genesis 2:22]?" A man with a womb of 'his' own is a woman (or a worm)-- not a man. Therefore, such a 'God' would be referred to as 'LADY,' or, like Jacob, as WORM, not as 'LORD.' Also: when-- as in Genesis 1-- a life begins, where-- if not from the womb-- does the water issue forth? Thus, when a man is "born of water [John 3:5d]," it is understood he is born of woman.

What does NASA look for in their attempts to discover life outside of our atmosphere: if not water? The obvious reason for their reasoning is that: without water, there is no life. Hath water a father? A man 'makes water;' but a woman is the water that makes a man. If it were not so: What is the significance of the Immaculate Conception? The truth is: a woman doesn't require the services of a man to procreate. Why would the LADY need the LORD to create?

Thus, we understand the 'Battle of the Sexes' began in heaven; and he 'took' the first 'shot' at "not good [Genesis 2:18]": according to Moses, at least. Making a woman from a man, as the LORD God did, in Genesis 2:22, was de facto divorce from the LADY God, inasmuch as-- in so doing-- he deviated from her way-- the way of life and the living-- scorning her and her way for that which is not good: waterless birth. What is the LORD God of Genesis, if not a "Fat (Muddy)- Cat?"

Perhaps it was because he is a 'Cat, that he expected the man to 'marry' the beasts, as recorded in Genesis 2:19 & 20. When the man had more sense than he: woman was made to distract the man from 'crying out to God': the LADY obviously doesn't abide 'idolatry.' What is man, after all, If not the LORD God's graven imagery? I think a John- Cena- style death rhyme would make more sense of all this than I can, but I'll give it a 'try.'

And the LORD God formed 'Man'
Of the 'mud' in which he 'swam,'
Unmindful he wasn't a turd.
He thought the man he so misformed
As to be 'like' he, would be --
Like his Maker--
A "her- manfro- dighty" worm;
That a turd- eating- turd
Like himself
Was all he'd ever need.
But-- much to his chagrin--
The 'smile' left his shit- eating grin,
When he discovered in the Mudcat-
Mirror- imagery of 'his man':
A 'manlier' worm than he.
So, 'wisely' fearing LADY God,
And lest 'his man' should tell that 'Jealous' broad:
He made of his tranny 'man'
A 'lively' witch named Eve,
And then, with feline 'Grace,'
He worm- turned --
His dog- about- vomit- face--
From the 'stinging' disgrace of 'simple' sex
To the 'simpler, cleaner pleasures'
Of eating shit
And savouring the sophistication
Of magical- sorcery- sex
With Worm- [Prince Jacob's] wood.
Thus he uncovered his latter 'End.'

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