Friday, October 28, 2022

Jesus' Queer Husbandman

Spiritual truths are revealed in manifold ways. The heart of the devil [John 8:44] the Jews (and consequently the sect [Acts 28:22] of Jewry referred to as Christianity) call "God" is revealed by the 'Holy Bible'; which they call "the word of God." As Jesus of Nazareth said, "of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh [Luke 6:45]." Thus, the Bible is referred to by scholars as "God's special revelation of himself."

There is also a "natural revelation"-- referred to et. al.-- in the special revelation of scripture. For instance, Psalm 19 says, "1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. 2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. 4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world [Psalms 19:1 - 4b]."

Jesus of Nazareth says of his 'body', the church, that it-- like the special revelation of scripture-- "is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart [Hebrews 4:12f]" of his Father. According to John the divine, Jesus said of this ecclesiastical revelation: "1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit [John 15:1 & 2]." I have existential knowledge of this ecclesiastical revelation.

Several years ago, the Protestant denominations of the globalist government referred to as "the church" and "the body of Christ" began schisming due to the exceeding abundance of queer Christian congregations who consider it necessary-- for righteousness' sake-- to openly include queers in their membership rolls and in their pulpits.

The fact that these denominations officially had-- like stock on Wall Street-- to split to "come together" in Christ doesn't mean the denominations from which the queer congregations fell out aren't, as a rule, queer. It only means that some cockroaches don't consider "coming out" of their queer prayer closets necessary to sharing their prayers and closets with out- and- proud queers; furthermore, the schisms make it possible for them to do so without being labeled as queers themselves. This tactic is sometimes referred to as "running a test- flag up the pole" to see how it's received before going "all- in," or withdrawing from it.

In respect of the resultant financial windfall of these schisms, this tactic is called "controlled opposition." They've "opposed themselves [Acts 18:6a]" with the intent to divide and conquer those elements of the world's populations which remain skeptical of the 'moral rectitude' of the 'divine' economy of blood magic and sorcery the churches of Christ's beastly globalist empire make suit to for their power and authority. I've "got their number."

Their number is 666 [Revelation 13]. As religions go, they are the one which excludes all others [Revelation 13:15], and-- according to them-- the only door by which anyone might enter the economy of the divine is cannabalistic vampirism notarized by the cold- blooded murder of "the only innocent man, woman, or child who ever lived or ever will": Jesus Christ the cockatrice [Isaiah 14:29]. All others "should be killed [Revelation 13:15c]" and-- according to Christians-- will, by 'God', be killed forever. This form of religious practice is termed "Kenite," meaning "of Cain (and Moses' father in law [Judges 1:16, et. al.] and mentor [Exodus 18:7 & 24])."

The fact that the ecclesiastical revelation of Jesus' heavenly Father's character is of a markedly perverse nature is nothing new. In fact, it's really the "same old shit." When Joseph told Pharaoh's dream to him, he said that Pharaoh saw the same revelation in two visions as proof of its inescapable veracity. So also the ecclesiastical revelation of Jesus' heavenly Father's deviant proclivities comes to us twice as a matter of historical verity: in two bodies of believers.

We presently know the sodomite nature of the church simply by virtue of casual contact with it. If Christian pastors hadn't been the chief lobbyists countenancing it, same- sex union wouldn't have been a subject of conversation much less a legal concern. Likewise, Revelation 11:8 states clearly that the spiritual nature of the Jewry of which Christianity is a sect has always been sodomite, saying the spiritual name of the heart of Jewry-- Jerusalem-- is Sodom.

Of the things which Jesus' husbandman Father "took away [John 15:2]" from the "true vine" of his vintage, when Jesus schismed the same, the indulgence of strange flesh wasn't one of them. This indicates Jesus' heavenly Father never considered sodomite proclivities a wickedness to be "done away in Christ [2 Corinthians 3:14, et. al]": whereas the law of Moses which states unequivocally such behavior is abomination [Leviticus 18:22] is, in Jesus of Nazareth, done away (presumably).

When the children of confusion (Israel) were wandering in the wilderness, Moses was given a song to "teach it the children of Israel [that is to say]: put it in their mouths, that this song may be a witness for me against the children of Israel [Deuteronomy 31:19]"; and according to this "song of Moses [Revelation 15:3]," the vintage of Jesus' heavenly Father's vineyard [Matthew 21:33 - 44]-- which is to say, the spirit of his church-- changed in nought but name in Jesus. In Jesus, the spirit which distinguishes the true Jew [Romans 2:28 & 29] remains the same.

"32 For their vine is of the vine of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorrah: their grapes are grapes of gall, their clusters are bitter: 33 Their wine [the Spirit] is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps [Deuteronomy 32:32 & 33]." This succinctly captures the Holy Ghost of Christianity, as well, if the twice- told ecclesiastical revelation is to be believed. The sodomite nature of the 'God' of the Jews is a matter of historical fact. To argue with the facts-- especially those of the 'current events' variety-- would be foolishness.

The essential nature of the special revelation of scripture is a narrative of the history of Envy. Perhaps it is for this reason the dictionaries tend to pervert the definitions of the terms envy and jealousy to the point of espousing them as synonyms: "for the LORD, whose name is Jealous [Exodus 34:14b & c]," is the God of envy. After all-- by his own admission-- he is "the former of all things [Jeremiah 10:16, et. al.]," meaning he claims to have consciously existed before all things; but he did not bring us all things.

God gave us all things, according to Genesis 1. The LORD God pretends he is the source only God could be. This is envy-- or covetousness-- in the language of the Bible. In Genesis 2, the LORD God claims he is able to make his own children of mud- patties and his magical breath: no sex necessary.

John the Baptist, believing this to be true, said, "That God [the pretender] is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham [Luke 3:8e];" notwithstanding, until God made the sons of God, the LORD God obviously had no use for Adam or any other children. Sodomy is after all sorcery [Revelation 18:23, et. al.]; not sex. The LORD God made his things in the thick darkness of death. Now, he would feign ownership-- with enmity [James 4:4, et. al.]-- of the land of the living only because he had a filthy imagination before God was conscious.