Sunday, June 13, 2021

Isaiah 61:7

If doubt as to the context the first six verses of Isaiah 61 lend to the seventh exists: read them; or be left in doubt about it, if you'd rather. But especially if you desire to discover America's place in prophecy, you should read the first six verses of Isaiah 61.

Isaiah 61:7- "For your.... [you who it's ''all about'-- the oppressors of the people: house of David; house of Levi; house of Benjamin; house of Simeon; etc.; etc....]

"For your shame ye shall have double [Shame in-- a.k.a confusing the Gentiles with your crucifixion of 'confusion': shame out, times two; signed, sealed, and notarized by the bank, banker, and economy of the divine; whose many names is just One]; and for confusion they [the Gentiles and any Jews who do mourn (assuming any do) under the robbery and thievery of your fathers Davey, Moe, and the rest of the troop of false prophets, false Gods and stooges of strangers-- in a word: those who it's 'not all about' and doesn't have to be because they are me; and it's all about me....] they shall rejoice in their portion [as opposed to envying and rejoicing in someone else's]:... "

Thus, we-- those who it's 'not all about'-- shall rejoice for confusion. In confusion, we seek clarity, and God gives comfort, and we rejoice in and enrich others with the same gift. It follows that if we're not 'confused' (about the Doctrine, especially), we should seek to be so 'confused' as to be in search of clarity, if we ever are 'confused'. Confusion with God beats envy with the devil for instruction in righteousness.

Envy is one place we won't find God, if not for the devil and his angels, as such, in counterfeit economies of counterfeit divinity. God does not envy. Perhaps, in spite of the apparent abundance of all "riches," God has no comfort to lend those who do envy. Speaking of envy, it's germaine to mention that envy-- like nuclear war and "forecast devices"-- can be a 'preemptive' assault. Some will do all they can to provoke envy in others. Some call those things they do for envy-- like murdering Jesus, for example-- earnest tokens of their love for him who is love. It doesn't have to make sense. "Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before [weapon of mass destruction] envy [Proverbs 27:4]?"

Jewry and other 'Christ- murderers' prove that some find only multiplications of confusions (thanks to the 'revelations' of their 'fathers,' in large part, ironically): turning 'spiritual truths'-- like Sodom in pulpit and pew-- into physical encounters when they get 'confused'. They shall only find the "shame" their fathers were-- like themselves-- so proud of. By their 'fruits and nuts' ye shall know them.

"...therefore in their land they [that's us who it's 'not' all about in Isaiah's time] shall possess the double;...." Assuming these things are as they appear: Does Isaiah 61:7c describe the conquest of Elysium as Star Wars against confusion for custody of the economies profane and divine?

"...everlasting joy shall be unto them [us is 'them']." -Isaiah 61:7