Thursday, October 22, 2020

Cocksuckers, for Christ's Sake

Why do so many professing Christians wait for a rapture? Don't they know there wouldn't be a "Revelation of Jesus Christ" (Revelation 1:1a) in scripture without one? In Revelation 4:1(e), John was called to "Come up hither," and the things he saw and heard while in the resultant rapture are the book we call Revelation, or-- as the publishers of my Bible express it-- "The Revelation of Saint John the Divine." This is not the subject of this post, but it does allow me to introduce this post with a modicum of authority.

Like John, I've had my own 'Come up hither.' It all started who- knows- when. But I was first consciously aware of it in the summer of 2008 (if not somewhat before), and it is currently ongoing, though at the present time the conversation there is not as readily discernible from the conversation here as it was in the five years between 2008 and 2013.

In the winter of 2012- 2013, the pique of each day's rapturous events became so intense that I was barely able to find time (or appetite) to eat: which was a blessing, inasmuch as I only had a twenty- five pound ham and five or ten pounds of rice to sustain me through one of the longer of North Dakota's substantial winters. This winter was a long season of gruelling night- and- day interrogations and examinations in a number of places. It seems I-- perhaps unlike John-- was caught up- and- down, and perhaps sideways in a number of directions, as it were. The examinations and cross examinations were occurring on so many courts simultaneously that I found myself lost in the maelstrom, like a basketball player wrestling for control of the ball at the hoop under mosh- pit- inspired 'prison rules.'

All this notwithstanding, I had an encounter in one place that winter with a man whom, though I hadn't known well, I had considered a good and intimate friend as soon as we met and all the days after, including the present one, though he crossed the river in 1998.

I don't like dropping names, but I tell you his was Arthur Olson for two reasons: he told me before he died that he wanted his family to know and understand that he was decidedly a disciple of Christ, and I have no idea whether he communicated this to them satisfactorily, if at all, before (or after) his passage; and, inasmuch as he is dead and his life is hid with Christ in God, I reckon he's safe from the sorcery of 'curious' witches and their longstanding penchant for rapturing the dead to peep God, as it were.

Anyway, as I've said, I encountered Art in one of the places I played basketball de jure that excruciating and ecstatic winter. After a presumably private conference with the holy Judge in his chambers, I was allowed a tour of the holy City to which Art served as my concierge. He introduced me to many, if not all, the holy Gangsters in the holy Mafia; all of which are God, more or less, to one extent or another. One of these is the One of Ones, I'm sure, but being as I couldn't see any of them, and only one dropped his name, I can only guess the One is he who invited me to sit in his chair which hovers over a planetoid engulfed in a perpetual blaze, as the comforting screams of the tormented erupt from the flames below. He's the one I call Pop, I think.

The last time I saw Art, to date, Pop stopped by to tell me, "Tom, Art's going to come suck my cock about you and Dori." I know God is salty-- even "potty- mouthed" compared to the 'sweet' devils who presume to supplant him-- but I was freaked out: especially because Pop was laughing his ass off, as if this sort of thing were funny to me. Shortly thereafter, Art shows up saying, "Tom, I'm on my way to suck God's cock to find out about you and Dori." Then they both fell apart laughing. As they were departing, they both kept repeating: "Don't worry, Tom. It's okay," and laughing hysterically. Pop said something that's still got me in fits. He said, "Now, Tom, you be careful who you call a cocksucker." That one stuck with me. He said it in such a titular tone, my blood ran cold: though they both roared with laughter; but enough of this.

The reason I relate this anecdote is to illustrate how it is so and what it means when folks (some of whom have no idea what they speak of) ejaculate the oft- repeated maxim: "As above; so below." God is (in my experience, at least) much saltier than he's generally given credit for being, and-- like the Godfather Corleone-- keeps his enemies closer. As I apprehend scripture, God is the "friend that sticketh closer than a brother" written of by Solomon in Proverbs (18:24), and to such an extent is he so as to have compelled his enemies to write what my grandmother called "God's love letter to [me]." Perhaps this is the reason the Jewry always presumes to be capable of teaching God a thing- or- two: he talks to them in their own language.

Naturally, getting your skull fucked by the Book of books is not existentially the same thing as skull- fucking a man's cock, but as a spiritual application it's certainly valid. This is going to get me talking about Jesus, who many Protestant churches say is gay-- if only by the implication expressed by the presence of out- and- proud queers in their pulpits; and congregations populated by the same.

John tells us in the first chapter of his gospel that Jesus is the Word by which the heavens were begotten. Likewise, Christ says that, "The sower soweth the word." (Mark 4:14), and thus begets the kingdom of heaven: inasmuch as "the good seed are the children of the kingdom." (Matthew 13:38) We know that the kingdom of heaven is earthly, godly, and heavenly: inasmuch as the same Christ commanded that we should pray "[God's] will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:10b & c) This means God's will should be done in earth, because [the earth] is in heaven. It also means God's will is not done in heaven. There's a war on for mastery of the kingdom of heaven, "and the violent take it by force." (Matthew 11:12)

The prophets known collectively as Motley Crue [in the overture to their prophecy entitled 'Saints of Los Angeles'] are the only ones I'm aware of who have ever put the proper inflection on "is" in the Lord's prayer [a.k.a. the 'Our Father'] so as to make it clear we are asking for God's will to be done in heaven, and that because we pray for earth; though Bill Clinton was certainly onto (or on) something when he said, "It all depends on what the meaning of 'is' is." The significance of this distinction is that there is something called earth 'below,' where the "wandering stars" written of by Jude (13) blow in (or up) to this earth from. As above: so below. Because of the presence of the wanderers, we seem sometimes to be caught in the middle: only because of the crossfire.

The 'Our Father' makes it clear: we are not below; we are above. When we pray God's will be done here, we are asking that the wanderers go home. Then God's will can and will be done here. Thus, the maxim is proven, and the reason so many believe we are below is also understood to be the exceeding wickedness observed in the present world. The beginning of conversation is consummate sex in God, after all; but this makes the wrong kind of sense to some; and no kind of sense to most, if not all, others.

Proverbs 8 says of wisdom that she was with the LORD at his beginning, or at the least, when he first began to move: long before he created anything. Is there a real mother who knows not the reasoning of wisdom, in verse 30, when she says that, in that time before time, "I was by [the LORD], as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him;"? Protestants continually choke on this jizz, but-- if God has no mother-- why was Adam formed of the dust of the ground which we call Mother (Genesis 3:23)? Where did the water in Genesis 1 come from? If Father didn't come from Mother: why was Jesus born of the virgin? If Jesus didn't marry his mother: how does new Jerusalem come down from God out of heaven?

This much I'll give you (only because it's obvious): There is no mention of water being created in Genesis 1. The answer to it's genesis is found in the oldest book in the canon: Job. Job 38 says of water the following: "8 Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it brake forth, as if it had issued from the womb?... 28 Hath the rain a father? or who hath begotten the drops of dew? 29 Out of whose womb came the ice? and the hoary frost of heaven, who hath gendered it?... 34 Canst thou lift up thy voice to the clouds, that the abundance of waters may cover thee [as they did the earth, in Genesis 1:2]?" [Be advised: the italics are not mine; but rather the King James translators' method of indicating words added to the text.]

What this indicates is that Father's way of conjugating with Mother is to speak to her [as in Job 38:34]. She 'comes' and comes when he calls. Thus, being born once of the word, we so speak: "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever." (1 Peter 1:23) Likewise, it is 'adultery' to 'marry' God and 'fornicate' with another 'mother.' This makes of the word of God a representative figure of cock- and- testicles: the seed of his stony oracles wrapped about in golden [Exodus 32] calfskin. Likewise, the fellowship of believers is apprehended by Jewry to be a family orgy around the golden- calf- god which is a man "instead of God" [Exodus 4:16c] 'like unto Moses.'

Thus, by spiritual application, Bible study is apprehended by some as a man 'sucking cock' with the devouring 'mouth' of his 'ear' until God's testicles explode, inundating the 'belly' of one's heart with the incorruptible 'seed' of God: the residue of which springs from the 'bunghole' of his mouth as rivers of Mother's living waters. Is it any wonder so many sodomites are drawn to scripture as moths to flame: that is to say, without knowledge? Where did Abraham meet Melchizedek, if not in fornication with the kings of sodomy [Genesis 14]? Likewise, it may be said of sodomy that it is blasphemy against all that is holy, though it were to never speak it's own name; much less our Father's, our Mother's, or ours.

As it is below; it's hillbilly kin above. We-- like the devils-- keep it all in the family. And just as the children of the sorceress whore [Isaiah 57:3] engage in many presumably 'divine,' spiritually- perverse rituals of sorcery- magic that appear to us as mere sexual deviance; so divine intercourse can be misapprehended as sexual and spiritual libertinism by the wizards in spirit peeping our family at the windows of our heavenly mansions. Thus-- through the utility of shibboleths [Judges 12:6]-- all are given license to serve their God in their way by the same word which states emphatically (though not exactly unequivocally) that there is but one true God. What this means is that the word of God is pure to devil and saint alike, and the little book that John ate (Revelation 10:10) tastes sweet but it leaves the belly bitter because of the presence of things in heaven that really shouldn't exist anywhere.

In light of this epiphany, I'm no longer troubled about Art's or Pop's proclivities; catholicism; Catholicism; loving Mother to the extent 'I do;' and many other things that once 'rested' so bitterly in my 'belly;' and I hope it likewise provides some relief from the 'wormwood' which troubles you. But I think the next time some sodomite asks me if he can share his Jesus with me, my response will be, "Keep your Jesus in your pants where he belongs, or my Jesus will chop your Jesus off and shove him down your throat." That's 'autoerotic asphyxiation,' in the tongue they speak. Just helping out. And, if I ever find out God is gay, I'll kill him and his NAMBLA Sunshine, Jesus; or die trying. I don't care to live unto such a 'God.' 'Nuff said?